Transfer Scholarships

View scholarship opportunities and eligibility requirements for scholarships geared toward students transferring to Indiana State University. Our Scholarship Office will assist you in your search for available scholarships and other resources to help pay for college.


University Scholarship Office

Tirey Hall
220 North Seventh Street
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809

Send Email
Phone: 1-800-841-4744

Rules for Transfer Scholarships for 2025-26

These scholarships are offered only to incoming transfer students who plan to enroll as full-time students each semester (minimum of 12 credits). Freshmen and returning Indiana State University students are not eligible for these scholarship opportunities. Deadlines may vary for each scholarship award.

Open to Transfer Students Entering Fall Semester

2025-2026 Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship Information:

  • Valued at full in-state tuition
  • Ten (10) awards available
  • Renewable for one additional year
  • Admission deadline: June 1
  • Requirements (listed below) must be satisfied by June 1
  • Open to Indiana and out-of-state residents
  • Not open to international or returning ISU students
  • All incoming transfer students who are admitted to the University by June 1, meet the criteria listed below, and submit proof of their Phi Theta Kappa membership will be considered.
  • To be awarded this scholarship, students must be entering ISU fall semester.
  • Scholarship application must be submitted by June 1. Application opens March 1.

To be considered, candidates must have:

  • A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale
  • Earned an Associate's Degree
  • An active membership in Phi Theta Kappa

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the competitive Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship can be combined/stacked with other ISU awards/scholarships except for the following:

  • Ivy Tech Accelerated Program Scholarship
  • Transfer President's Scholarship

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

2025-2026 Transfer Illinois Student Scholarship Information:

  • Special reduced fee (tuition) rate provided below
  • Renewable
  • An unlimited number of these scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Not open to international and returning ISU students. Not open to online-only students.
  • All incoming transfer students who are residents of Illinois and admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.

For consideration, candidates must be residents of Illinois and be unconditionally admitted.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Illinois Student Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the Transfer Illinois Student Scholarship can be combined/stacked with the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

Fees for Transfer Illinois Student Scholarship Recipients
Fall 2024—Spring 2025

This special reduced fee rate enables eligible Illinois residents to attend Indiana State University at a rate similar to most Illinois public colleges and universities.

Recipients of the Transfer Illinois Student Scholarship are charged a reduced tuition rate. Using the tuition rates for 2024-2025, a student with this scholarship paid $12,972, a savings of over $9,000 compared to the out-of-state rate. This scholarship is renewable for a total of three years of study.

2025-2026 Transfer Incentive Scholarship Information:

  • $5,000 per year (fall and spring semesters only)
  • Renewable for two additional years
  • An unlimited number of Incentive Scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Open to out-of-state residents
  • Not open to Indiana residents, online-only students, or returning ISU students
  • All incoming transfer students who are admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.
  • To be awarded this scholarship, students must be entering ISU fall or spring semester.

For consideration, students must reside outside Indiana and not qualify for a reduced tuition rate offered through the Illinois Student Scholarship, Kentucky Student Scholarship, Midwest Consortium Scholarship, or Ohio Student Scholarship. Students also must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Incentive Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, it can be combined/stacked with the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship, the Transfer President's Scholarship and the Transfer Student Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

2025-2026 Transfer International Scholar Award Information:

  • $5,000 per year (fall and spring semesters only)
  • Renewable for two additional years
  • Admission deadline: July 15 for fall and Dec 15 for spring
  • Requirements (listed below) must be satisfied by July 15 for fall and Dec 15 for spring.
  • An unlimited number of Transfer International Scholar Awards are given each year.
  • Open only to international students who are not fully sponsored or receiving a reduced tuition rate
  • Not open to United States citizens or permanent residents, online-only students, or returning ISU students
  • All incoming transfer students who are admitted to the University by July 15 for fall or December 15 for spring will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.

For consideration, students must have a minimum 30 earned credits with a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see international admissions.

2025-2026 Transfer Kentucky Student Scholarship Information:

  • Special reduced fee (tuition) rate provided below
  • Renewable
  • An unlimited number of these scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Not open to international and returning ISU students. Not open to online-only students.
  • All incoming transfer students who are residents of Kentucky and admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.

For consideration, candidates must be residents of Kentucky and be unconditionally admitted.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Kentucky Student Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the Transfer Kentucky Student Scholarship can be combined/stacked with the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

Fees for Transfer Kentucky Student Scholarship Recipients
Fall 2024—Spring 2025

Recipients of the Transfer Kentucky Student Scholarship are charged a reduced tuition rate. Using the tuition rates for 2024-2025, a student with this scholarship paid $12,972, a savings of over $9,000 compared to the out-of-state rate. This scholarship is renewable for a total of three years of study.

2025-2026 Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarship Information:

  • Special reduced fee (tuition) rate provided below
  • Renewable
  • An unlimited number of Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Not open to nursing majors
  • Not open to international, online-only, or returning ISU students
  • All incoming transfer students who are admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.

For consideration, candidates must be residents of Kansas, Michigan*, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, or Wisconsin—and be unconditionally admitted.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarship may qualify for other awards.

* Effective Spring 2026 and onward, Michigan residents will no longer be eligible for this award.

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarship can be combined/stacked with the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

Fees for Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarship Recipients
Fall 2024—Spring 2025

Recipients of the Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarship are charged a reduced tuition rate. Using the tuition rates for 2024-2025, a student with this scholarship paid $12,972, a savings of over $9,000 compared to the out-of-state rate. This scholarship is renewable for a total of three years of study.

2025-2026 Transfer Ohio Student Scholarship Information:

  • Special reduced fee (tuition) rate provided below
  • Renewable
  • An unlimited number of these scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Not open to international and returning ISU students. Not open to online-only students.
  • All incoming transfer students who are residents of Ohio and admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.

For consideration, candidates must be residents of Ohio and be unconditionally admitted.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Ohio Student Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the Transfer Ohio Student Scholarship can be combined/stacked with the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

Fees for Ohio Student Scholarship Recipients
Fall 2024—Spring 2025

This special reduced fee rate enables eligible Ohio residents to attend Indiana State University at a rate similar to most Ohio public colleges and universities.

Recipients of the Ohio Student Scholarship are charged a reduced tuition rate. Using the tuition rates for 2024-2025, a student with this scholarship paid $12,972, a savings of over $9,000 compared to the out-of-state rate. This scholarship is renewable for a total of three years of study.

2025-2026 Transfer President's Scholarship Information:

  • Valued at full in-state tuition
  • Four (4) awards available
  • Renewable for up to two additional years
  • Admission deadline: March 1
  • Requirements (listed below) must be satisfied by March 1
  • Open to Indiana and out-of-state residents
  • Not open to international, online-only, or returning ISU students
  • All incoming transfer students who are admitted to the University by March 1 and meet the criteria listed below will be eligible to apply for this opportunity.
  • To be awarded this scholarship, students must be entering ISU fall semester and enroll full-time
  • Scholarship application must be submitted by March 15.

To be considered, candidates must have a cumulative transfer grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.7 on a 4.0 scale as well as a minimum of 24 completed, transferrable credits (non-remedial coursework).

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer President's Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the competitive Transfer President’s Scholarship can be combined/stacked with other ISU awards/scholarships except for the following:

  • Ivy Tech Accelerated Program Scholarship
  • Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

2025-2026 Transfer Student Scholarship Information:

  • $1,500 per year (fall and spring semesters only)
  • Renewable for two additional years
  • Admission deadline: July 15 for fall and December 15 for spring
  • An unlimited number of Transfer Student Scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Open to in-state, out-of-state, and online students
  • Not open to International or returning ISU students
  • All incoming transfer students who are admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.
  • To be awarded this scholarship, students must be entering ISU fall or spring semester.

For consideration, students must have a minimum of 24 earned credits with a minimum 2.75 cumulative grade point average.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Student Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the Transfer Student Scholarship cannot be combined/stacked with the Transfer International Scholar Award, Transfer President's Scholarship, or Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

Open to Students Entering Spring Semester

2025-2026 Transfer Illinois Student Scholarship Information:

  • Special reduced fee (tuition) rate provided below
  • Renewable
  • An unlimited number of these scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Not open to international and returning ISU students. Not open to online-only students.
  • All incoming transfer students who are residents of Illinois and admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.

For consideration, candidates must be residents of Illinois and be unconditionally admitted.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Illinois Student Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the Transfer Illinois Student Scholarship can be combined/stacked with the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

Fees for Transfer Illinois Student Scholarship Recipients
Fall 2024—Spring 2025

This special reduced fee rate enables eligible Illinois residents to attend Indiana State University at a rate similar to most Illinois public colleges and universities.

Recipients of the Transfer Illinois Student Scholarship are charged a reduced tuition rate. Using the tuition rates for 2024-2025, a student with this scholarship paid $12,972, a savings of over $9,000 compared to the out-of-state rate. This scholarship is renewable for a total of three years of study.

2025-2026 Transfer Incentive Scholarship Information:

  • $5,000 per year (fall and spring semesters only)
  • Renewable for two additional years
  • An unlimited number of Incentive Scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Open to out-of-state residents
  • Not open to Indiana residents, online-only students, or returning ISU students
  • All incoming transfer students who are admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.
  • To be awarded this scholarship, students must be entering ISU fall or spring semester.

For consideration, students must reside outside Indiana and not qualify for a reduced tuition rate offered through the Illinois Student Scholarship, Kentucky Student Scholarship, Midwest Consortium Scholarship, or Ohio Student Scholarship. Students also must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Incentive Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, it can be combined/stacked with the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship, the Transfer President's Scholarship and the Transfer Student Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

2025-2026 Transfer International Scholar Award Information:

  • $5,000 per year (fall and spring semesters only)
  • Renewable for two additional years
  • Admission deadline: July 15 for fall and Dec 15 for spring
  • Requirements (listed below) must be satisfied by July 15 for fall and Dec 15 for spring.
  • An unlimited number of Transfer International Scholar Awards are given each year.
  • Open only to international students who are not fully sponsored or receiving a reduced tuition rate
  • Not open to United States citizens or permanent residents, online-only students, or returning ISU students
  • All incoming transfer students who are admitted to the University by July 15 for fall or December 15 for spring will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.

For consideration, students must have a minimum 30 earned credits with a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see international admissions.

2025-2026 Transfer Kentucky Student Scholarship Information:

  • Special reduced fee (tuition) rate provided below
  • Renewable
  • An unlimited number of these scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Not open to international and returning ISU students. Not open to online-only students.
  • All incoming transfer students who are residents of Kentucky and admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.

For consideration, candidates must be residents of Kentucky and be unconditionally admitted.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Kentucky Student Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the Transfer Kentucky Student Scholarship can be combined/stacked with the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

Fees for Transfer Kentucky Student Scholarship Recipients
Fall 2024—Spring 2025

Recipients of the Transfer Kentucky Student Scholarship are charged a reduced tuition rate. Using the tuition rates for 2024-2025, a student with this scholarship paid $12,972, a savings of over $9,000 compared to the out-of-state rate. This scholarship is renewable for a total of three years of study.

2025-2026 Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarship Information:

  • Special reduced fee (tuition) rate provided below
  • Renewable
  • An unlimited number of Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Not open to nursing majors
  • Not open to international, online-only, or returning ISU students
  • All incoming transfer students who are admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.

For consideration, candidates must be residents of Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, or Wisconsin—and be unconditionally admitted.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarship may qualify for other awards.

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarship can be combined/stacked with the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

Fees for Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarship Recipients
Fall 2024—Spring 2025

Recipients of the Transfer Midwest Consortium Scholarship are charged a reduced tuition rate. Using the tuition rates for 2024-2025, a student with this scholarship paid $12,972, a savings of over $9,000 compared to the out-of-state rate. This scholarship is renewable for a total of three years of study.

2025-2026 Transfer Ohio Student Scholarship Information:

  • Special reduced fee (tuition) rate provided below
  • Renewable
  • An unlimited number of these scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Not open to international and returning ISU students. Not open to online-only students.
  • All incoming transfer students who are residents of Ohio and admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.

For consideration, candidates must be residents of Ohio and be unconditionally admitted.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Ohio Student Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the Transfer Ohio Student Scholarship can be combined/stacked with the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.

Fees for Ohio Student Scholarship Recipients
Fall 2024—Spring 2025

This special reduced fee rate enables eligible Ohio residents to attend Indiana State University at a rate similar to most Ohio public colleges and universities.

Recipients of the Ohio Student Scholarship are charged a reduced tuition rate. Using the tuition rates for 2024-2025, a student with this scholarship paid $12,972, a savings of over $9,000 compared to the out-of-state rate. This scholarship is renewable for a total of three years of study.

2025-2026 Transfer Student Scholarship Information:

  • $1,500 per year (fall and spring semesters only)
  • Renewable for two additional years
  • Admission deadline: July 15 for fall and December 15 for spring
  • An unlimited number of Transfer Student Scholarships are awarded each year.
  • Open to in-state, out-of-state, and online students
  • Not open to International or returning ISU students
  • All incoming transfer students who are admitted to the University will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required.
  • To be awarded this scholarship, students must be entering ISU fall or spring semester.

For consideration, students must have a minimum of 24 earned credits with a minimum 2.75 cumulative grade point average.

To view the rules and regulations governing this scholarship, see rules and regulations.

To apply for admission to Indiana State University, see apply.

Note on combining scholarships: Students who qualify for the Transfer Student Scholarship may qualify for other awards. 

2024-2025 Combining Information:

No combination of Indiana State University awards/scholarships can exceed the cost of attendance for an academic year. However, if a student qualifies for additional awards/scholarships, the Transfer Student Scholarship cannot be combined/stacked with the Transfer International Scholar Award, Transfer President's Scholarship, or Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship.

Note: Students who qualify for one or more Admission-Based awards/scholarships will be notified automatically with their admission award letter or shortly thereafter.


University Scholarship Office

Tirey Hall
220 North Seventh Street
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809

Send Email
Phone: 1-800-841-4744
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